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Tuesday 9 June 2015

Terrain Tuesday #3

A con of a post this one, but I think I need a marker to say I'm still here and to stop you all from  giving up and going home.

There is a terrain link here though, despite not having done any terrain work since my last Terrain Tuesday update.  This may become clear after some waffle.

The Wife has gone to Stay With Her Mother for a few days, so my weekly visit to Poundland was made not to to one in the 'City', but to the retail park next to the railway station.  That visit didn't yield anything blog-worthy, but it meant that I made my first visit to Hobby Craft, which was eye-opening (they charge more than a pound for a start!).  That resulted in me buying a cheap hot-glue gun.  Hopefully, next week's Terrain Tuesday will show the results!

There are other spin-offs from The Wife Being Away.  It means that I'll be watching some of the Dr Who episodes I've recorded (She only watches the Jon Pertwee episodes).  Hangover allowing* this might mean that I'll be posting one of the the long-expected 'Who Wednesdays' tomorrow.

*I did mention that She was away, didn't I?


  1. "stop you all from giving up and going home"
    I'm an internet vagrant. I no longer have a home and spend my days endlessly wandering the blogosphere, living vicariously through the gaming lives of others...

    1. I shall now think of you as an Incorporeal Being, rather like the Great Intelligence in Dr Who or the Wormhole Gods in DS9...

  2. Now the thing about hobbycraft is knowing what you want before you go in. I didn't the last time I went and nearly came away with a box of Airfix Commandoes and a selection of cardboard animals - a luck escape.

  3. Hot glue guns are wonderfully useful once you learn not to burn your fingertips. I do enjoy Pertwee he's my 3rd most favorite Doctor.
