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Saturday, 19 December 2015

'Twas The Night Before... (and Paint Table Saturday)

My computer problems have been resolved, and not a moment too soon, as this year's Analogue Hobbies' Painting Challenge starts tomorrow.  Sadly, the assessors decided that my laptop was repairable so I haven't ended up with a new one.  However, I must say that it's nice to have a familiar keyboard again after muddling through on my smartphone for three weeks.

In the Challenge I've set myself a realistic target of 500 points.  I done some preparation and have ideas for most of the bonus rounds and for the Curtgeld.  I'm ready to set brush to paint to lead!

So what's on the table on the night before the kick-off?

Well, there are some terrain pieces I've been building but haven't quite finished.  These are intended primarily for Frostgrave, but are basically generic ruins.

There's also a score of so of figures I'm in the process of basing for the challenge.  I'm not going to say more about them until they are done and submitted.

Thank you to those of you who offered sympathy and support during the computer crisis.  To those of you who are taking part in the Challenge: good luck and have fun!  To the rest, just have fun!


  1. Good luck, see you on the dark side

  2. Best wishes for a productive and stress-free Challenge :)

  3. Congrats on getting your computer back online. I have to say, I read the post at the start of your woes and choked on my coffee when I saw the reference to tentacles. It reminded me of a time in the Mess when we were discussing hentai and a young subaltern said, "Padre, how is it that you know about this?"
    Best for the Challenge, I shall cheer you on.
