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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Terrain Tuesday #18

A small amount of progress on the wedding cake columns.  They are hollow so I started by putting some 2mm foam sheet on the top (or, as you'll see from the photo, mistakingly on the bottom of a couple).  They're now undercoated, awaiting painting.

The other four proved quite useful in ventilating my constantly-overheating laptop.

On Sunday I went along to the Hereward Wargames Show in Peterborough.  As I was busy on the Diplomatist Books stall, I didn't get around to taking many photos or getting enough details to write the day up.  Although only in it's second year, it's already ground by at least a third, and was a very good day.  Hopefully someone else will post about it, but I haven't seen anything yet.

Anyway, I bought some terrain loot at the Tabletop Sale.

Sorry for the blurriness

The building and bases (two bags for a pound - much cheaper than my usual option of using 2p pieces) came from a chap who's name I should know, and seems to do most of his trade on FaceBook.  The house was £6.00, which I consider very good value.

I may share more loot tomorrow (unless I make a Dr Who Wednesday post).


  1. Those cake columns are a must buy for wargamers in my opinion. They have so many uses. cheers

  2. Great that the book stall was busy and I must seek out that MDF chap. However, star of the show is the photo of the laptop. Certainly the poshest piece of IT hardware I've seen! 8¬o

  3. Great idea using the columns for your laptop!

  4. Glad to hear business is going well.
