Saturday 2 August 2014

The PBB Game - Turn 1

Putting some distance between Ray and myself
Curt has now published the situation report for the end of Turn 1 in his PBB game.

I've added a page to the blog, giving my overview (stripped of any classified material, of course).


  1. Looks good Edwin, I'm glad that you are getting to play this game and I am getting to see what's happening. I really like the idea of PBB and may try my hand at it, running one that is, if I can stop being dazzled by each new thing that comes my way. I'm sorry I missed my chance to plug the BfC but I've been having quite a bit of trouble staying focused. (Wow, you should have seen how I spelled that before the spell check caught my dyslexia, frightening).

    1. I think you should go for the PBB - what would you do?

      The time lapse is a little frustrating, and I imagine it will only get worse once we engage!

  2. I hope you are wearing the appropriate hat when issuing orders.

    1. I shall have to botch something together from a newspaper!

  3. Parting company with Ray so soon eh?
