Monday, 2 February 2015

I'm a Lucky Bunny!

The blogging community is a brilliant place!  This week came news of not one but two great prizes from fellow blogger.  My own painting might have dried up, but there are some wonderful figures on there way to me.

Some of you will remember that before Christmas I took part in the Padre's very enjoyable play-by-blog game of Diplomacy.  An aspect Michael added to make it more fun was to have a commentary on his blog in the form of a newspaper, The Daily Dissembler.  We players (and others) were invited to contribute.  In the process of doing this, I invented 'Our Man in Rome' Ernest Harrington who reported on the goings-on of one Count de Graspi, general turned dictator.

This tickled the Padre's fancy, and he generously awarded me a prize for my efforts.  No less than a figure of de Graspi himself!  Read more about it here.

The good count is the one on the left
But there's more!

Last summer I won a give-away on Loki's blog.  My prize was to have ten figures of my choice painted up by him (those of you not familiar with the painting service he runs with the equally talented Kev Howroyd, should go across to Brigantes Studios).

He's already showcased (is that a word?) the Chinese Wizard I chose (from Black Hat Miniatures' brilliant 'Tales of the Dragon Kings' range) and now he has finished the rest of the figures.  Left to my own devices I would have chosen some Kung-Fu types, but I promised The Wife she could pick, and she plumped for Lord Curr's Company from Northstar.

And look what a job Loki has done with them!

A huge thanks to both Curt and Loki!


  1. Edwin, you're clearly so excited by the figures that you have mistaken the Mad Padre, Michael P, who ran the Diplomacy game for Curt, our kindly Challenge dictator ;)

    These are all excellent figures and I'll bet you are looking forward to receiving them through the post :)

  2. Those are some cool figure.

  3. You're a lucky chap Edwin! Loki and the Padre are both wonderful painters and done a sterling job on their respective pieces.

  4. A bit of good luck never hurt anyone. Cracking figures going to a good home. :O)

  5. I love that Mad Mick McFarlane is kilted!

  6. Excellent. I will have to think of a name for my chap. Certainly he will enjoy a knighthood (they are all the rage these days), but a full and proper name. Hmmm...

  7. You are a fortunate one, Edwin. Great prizes!

  8. Great looking figures Edwin! Congrat's!

  9. Lucky guy !! well deserved ....

  10. These are fantastic I can seen how you lost your head old man.

  11. Great choice by your wife and a lovely set of figures as a result!
