Sunday, 17 May 2015

Naval Wargamng (And Prizes!)

One of the releases I've been looking forward to learning more about this year is Osprey's Fighting Sail.  Early indications are that it's rather good, but I'd appreciate any pointers to reviews.

Given my naval interests, I am always tempted by naval games.  Regular readers will remember the fun I had with Clint's play-by-blog age of sail game.  Of course 'my period' isn't AoS, but roughly 1860-1920 - a period of real and rapid change.

To that end, I keep meaning to download David Manley's Steamer Wars from the Wargames Vault, small ship engagements based on the Lake Tanganyika actions during the First World War.  A supplement - River Wars - now brings the action to European waters.

Of course, if and when I do get any of these rules, I won't be painting teeny-tiny ships!  Counters for me I'm afraid!


I've just read the exciting news that I've won no less than three prizes in Ray's Mega-Giveaway!  Well, someone has to win them if he isn't going to enter.
The latest Giveaway news is that Pendragon Without is celebrating 10,000 hits by offering a Warbases church.  Enter here.


  1. I believe I saw a review of Fighting Sail in either Wargames Soldiers and Strategy or Wargames Illustrated, but I can't remember which. I was just flicking through while in WHSmiths.

    I've got the Signal Close Action 4th Edition rules for 'Napoleonic' naval, from Langton Miniatures. I've never played them, but from reading through I reckon they'll be my go-to set of rules for the period as they're quite in-depth.
    I have blundered into ACW naval, with the larger Peter Pig ships and the (well they used to be) free to download Smoke On The Water rules - which are quite fast-play - and the more I discover about the vessels concerned the more fascinated I become.
    I have quite a number of pre-Dreadnought models and have a couple of rules sets, but am yet to find a scale or rules book I like for this period.

    1. I believe it is in WSD, but I haven't seen it.

      Thanks for the pointers.

    2. I believe it is in WSD, but I haven't seen it.

      Thanks for the pointers.

  2. You must have a direct line to the wargaming Gods, my friend. Excellent luck in snatching THREE of Ray's give-aways.

  3. Three wins? Lucky its you or I would put in a complaint!

  4. THREE prizes from Ray? He's lining you up for a hit . . . .
