Friday 2 August 2024

RPG a Day 2024 - Day 2: Recently Played


Day 2: Most Recently Played

Our face-to-face group currently has two GMs, myself and AN Other.  In theory we meet every week and alternate who runs what.  In practice, of course, some weeks we don't meet at all and in others not all of the five of us can make it (in the latter case we generally skip RPGs and have a boardgame night).  The summer months are always even more tricky for scheduling than usual.

  • Most Recent Face-to-Face.  Back on 10 July.  The other GM is running a home-brew seting using Old School Essentials.  It's a nice, well-thought out world, and we're pootering around nicely.  She claims that we're a lot less inclined to kick doors down than the other groups she runs for!
  • Most Recent I GM'd.  In June?  For the same group I ran Survive This! Dark Places and Demogorgons.  It's basically a 1980s kids on bikes set-up.  Meant as a one-off over two sessions, the group got crazily invested in their characters and want to continue.  I'm not sure where to take it, but it'll be a monster-of-the-week with an underlying (and possibly never encountered) arc.
  • Most Recent Online.  At the same time as these too games, I'm also taking part in an online campaign using the Shadowdark system (which is a very nice, playable one).  The GM likes to throw in dark folky elements: my PC has pushed his luck by joining a cult and is slowly turning into a corn-dolly.  We're currently engaged on a side-quest that will, if we are successful, result in the end of the world.  For reasons, I've missed the last couple of sessions.  I haven't played since 5 July.

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