Tuesday, 18 November 2014

News from Diplomatist Books #4

A New Way of Accessing Diplomatist Books' Stock

Those of you who have been over to the website and looked at the booklists there will know that they're a little clunky - they're 30-odd page pdfs.  While this is fine in some respects, it's not terribly user-friendly.

At the end of September therefore, I bit the bullet and signed up with AbeBooks.  You can now go to our storefront there and either browse or search our stock.  This also allows for photos of the books, so you can see what you're buying, and electronic payment.  If you want, you can also buy from other dealers at the same time.

I must admit to  some reservations in competing with the 'Everything $1.00' crowd, but our policy of only having decent titles in decent condition is paying off and AbeBooks has giving us a big boost in trade.  Try it and see!

Important.  If you want to redeem a token, or take advantage of a special offer from this blog or FaceBook, do not order via AbeBooks, but contact me directly.

Gift Tokens

As we know, books make the best gifts (Oh yes they do!), but it's often hard to choose for someone else.  If you want to give someone a Diplomatist Books gift token, drop me a line.  We'll sort out the details and may be able to put together some kind of suitable e-card.

RBL Raffle

And taking of gift tokens, there's still time to buy tickets for the raffle in support of the Royal British Legion being run by Itchy of Wargames and Walking - there are scads of prizes (even if you don't want our gift token).

Books of the Week

An aviation theme this week, I think...

Duncan Grinnell-Milne, Wind in the Wires, Mayflower-Dell Paperback (1966), pb, 176pp.  £2.00

Capt Duncan Grinnell-Milne MC, DFC* served with the Royal Fusiliers before joining the RFC becoming an Ace (and prisoner of war).

Norman Macmillan, The Royal Air Force in the World War: Vol 1 – 1919-1940, George G Harrap & Co (1942), hb,  240pp, plates.   £3.00

Bill Norman, Luftwaffe Over the North: Episodes in An Air War, 1939-1943, Leo Cooper (1993), hb, d/w, 208pp, many illus.  £4.00

David Mondey, The Concise Guide to Axis Aircraft of World War II: The Warplanes of Germany, Italy and Japan During World War II, Chancellor Press (1984), hb, d/w, 256pp, many illus.  £3.00

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice books. Probably some good reference material for Bag the Hun.
