Thursday 16 March 2023

A WIP Wednesday!

It is literally years since I last posted an upate on my paint-table and I have barely picked up brushes since then.  If fact, several of those minis in the pictures from Dec 2019 are still collecting dust in a part-painted state.

Quite a lot has happened since then, one of which is that I moved house and no longer have the space and lovely natural light I had in that house.  But this week I actually sat down and did some painting.

They were nothing special or elaborate - just a group of froglings from Lucid Eye, but I needed then for our ongoing 'Evils of Illmire' game that I've been GM-ing.  I finished them this afternoon and this evening they were in play!

The Party and their Frogling allies penitrate
the Mantis Mound

As you'll see from the photos, I've been mainly using cardboard standees in games.

It seems a little thing to post about, but it's significant to get back on the painting horse.

1 comment:

  1. Look at it this way, youve posted, youve got the figures on a table and hopefully it all felt good. Well done.
